Trrring....trring....trriiingggg...... Manuwant Choudhary: Hello... NIIRA RADIA: HELLO, MANUWANT, this is NIIRA here... MC: Niira Who? You mean the only one... NR: yes, yes you got that right... MC: But why have you called me? NR: Because you are a journalist.... MC: Former journalist. And I was never as BIG as the 30 journalists whom know you. .... Operation Nariman House. Loading. ... The HH Group of Hotels. The HH Group of Hotels Rajasthan - a rich heritage ...
Trrring!!! my phone blares at midnight and startles me in my sleep. I wake up and grab the phone, peer through half open and groggy eyes to see Mithun my colleague calling. I pick up and say ?Hello!?, he replies. ..... We drove all the way down to the smoke house and the sheds. Then came the best part, the natural pool. We wasted no time and hopped into the heavily gushing, rock infested mini pools, with the purest form of natural water flowing through them. ...
Since the chef (Me for the past few days, have been experimenting mercilessly on my parents) got bored to cook, decided to go to this small hotel nearby that opened recently. A walk into the hotel took me to another time. ... The man at the counter had comfortably switched off his electronic billing machine and instead wrote down my order and billed it (Ok, again last I saw this was ages ago @ coffee house on MG Road). Stood there and yelled "Bhattre, EL idly erd vada ...